지난 10월에 미국은행 규제를 완화하는 정책이 발표되었다는 기사에서 나온 '정리의향서'란 표현. 미국 은행들이 매년 작성했었는데 이제 4년에 한 번만 작성하도록 완화했다고 한다. 

찾아보니 정리의향서란 living wills라고 한다. 다른 말로 '사전 유언장'이다. 회사가 망하면 어떻게 하겠다는 계획을 담은 문서를 말한다. 개인들도 살아 있을 때 내가 죽으면 어떻게 하라고 써 놓은 유언장을 만들 수 있다. 그런데 유언장은 다 살아 있을 때 만들잖아. 그래서 wills와 living wills가 어떻게 다른지 찾아보니 이렇게 구별된다. 

Difference Between a Will and a Living Will. A will, also known as a last will, distributes a person's property after his death. A living will, on the other hand, explains what kind of medical care that person wants when he is still alive but unable to explain his wishes.


'말 배우기 > 영어 공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

A is a source of B  (0) 2020.02.23
something feels off  (0) 2020.02.09
deal a blow  (0) 2020.01.16
risks are intensifying  (0) 2020.01.16
give a hostage to fortune  (0) 2019.12.19

타격을 주다라고 할 때 strike a blow만 쓰지 말고 deal a blow란 표현도 써보자.  

The global financial crisis in 2008 dealt a heavy blow to our markets and economy.

'말 배우기 > 영어 공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

something feels off  (0) 2020.02.09
living wills  (0) 2020.01.25
risks are intensifying  (0) 2020.01.16
give a hostage to fortune  (0) 2019.12.19
inaugural chairman  (0) 2019.12.17

위험이 커지거나 심각해진다고 할 때 쓰면 좋겠다.

영작하라고 하면 Risks are escalating 아니면 Risks are becoming greater 밖에 생각 안 날 때 Risks are intensifying하면 좋겠다. 

'말 배우기 > 영어 공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

living wills  (0) 2020.01.25
deal a blow  (0) 2020.01.16
give a hostage to fortune  (0) 2019.12.19
inaugural chairman  (0) 2019.12.17
The proof is in the pudding  (0) 2019.12.05

Economist 기사(21 Dec 2019)에서 처음 본 표현이다. 

Our annual “country of the year” award celebrates improvement. Each December, therefore, we give a hostage to fortune. The places that climb furthest are often those that started near the bottom: poor, ill-governed and unstable. Freshly won democracy and peace do not always last, as Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Myanmar (The Economist’s country of the year in 2015) ended up reminding the world when she appeared recently at the International Court of Justice in The Hague and glossed over the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingyas, a Muslim minority, by her country’s soldiers.

Hostage to fortune 정의는 "an action or statement that could create problems for you later".

나중에 책잡힐 수도 있는 행동이나 말을 했을 때 쓸 수 있다. 여기서 fortune은 luck과 같은 뜻이다. 어떻게 될지 모르는 상황에 hostage를 줬다는 얘기니까 내가 아주 불리한 위치에 있는 것이다.

어떤 동영상을 보니 1시간 동안 열심히 떠든 뒤에 청중이 날카로운 질문을 하자,  I gave a hostage to fortune이라고 말한다. 이 얘기 저 얘기 했으니 공격당할 말도 했을 수 있다는 뜻이다.   


'말 배우기 > 영어 공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

deal a blow  (0) 2020.01.16
risks are intensifying  (0) 2020.01.16
inaugural chairman  (0) 2019.12.17
The proof is in the pudding  (0) 2019.12.05
it was feared  (0) 2019.11.30

Paul Volcker 부고 기사를 보다가 inaugural chairman이라고 하면 기관의 초대 chairman이란 뜻을 배웠네.

10 Dec 2019

Statement on the death of Paul Volcker, inaugural Chairman of the IFRS Foundation Trustees


The Trustees and staff of the IFRS Foundation and Members of the International Accounting Standards Board (Board) wish to express their condolences to the family of Paul Volcker, who died on 8 December 2019.

Mr Volcker was a committed public servant, held in the highest regard internationally and within the United States. Among the many accomplishments of his long career, he was appointed as the inaugural Chairman of the IFRS Foundation (formerly IASC Foundation) Trustees, serving from 2000 until 2006.

During this period, Mr Volcker led the restructuring of the Foundation, appointed the first Board and garnered widespread international support for its mission of global accounting standards.

Many of the Foundation’s achievements in subsequent years are therefore thanks to the path set out by Mr Volcker during his tenure as Chairman of the Trustees.

'말 배우기 > 영어 공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

risks are intensifying  (0) 2020.01.16
give a hostage to fortune  (0) 2019.12.19
The proof is in the pudding  (0) 2019.12.05
it was feared  (0) 2019.11.30
indisposed = unavailable  (0) 2019.11.20

The proof is in the pudding. 재미있는 표현이다.  pudding을 디저트로 먹는 푸딩이라고 생각했는데, 어원은 고기 넣어서 만든 British pudding이네. 

The idiom is usually stated the proof is in the pudding and means that the end result is the mark of the success or failure of one’s efforts or planning. The phrase may also be used in the past and future tenses: the proof will be/was in the pudding.

The original phrase was the proof of the pudding is in the eating and was generally used to say that one had to try food in order to know if it was good. The word proof is more synonymous with test than evidence. The pudding is good or bad and the trial of eating will decide it; rather than evidence that would prove it is in fact pudding.

It was a particularly apt phrase because pudding did not mean a creamy dessert, it was the term for a kind of mixture of meat and seasonings stuffed into a casing like sausage. And with meat in the very early 1600s, when the first example of the idiom appears in print, or in the 1400s, when the OED states the phrase originated,  it was very easily contaminated. One would not know if it was going to be good or bad until one ate it.



“The most important thing for our organization is for him to develop. … The proof is in the pudding at this point.” [The Washington Post]

“We think we’ve been productive over the last two weeks but the proof is in the pudding on Sunday.” [Western Morning News]

But Boyd has worked hard to turn his life around and the proof was in the pudding when Wayne Bennett’s newest Broncos signing was unveiled at Red Hill on Monday. [Stuff NZ]

“I guess the proof will be in the pudding when we see how we react to it all, but we’re excited about what happened.” [Los Angeles Times]

출처: https://grammarist.com/usage/proof-is-in-the-pudding/

'말 배우기 > 영어 공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

give a hostage to fortune  (0) 2019.12.19
inaugural chairman  (0) 2019.12.17
it was feared  (0) 2019.11.30
indisposed = unavailable  (0) 2019.11.20
사물 주어 + can hope to do  (0) 2019.11.09

똑똑전화 날씨소식을 보니 이렇게 적혀있다.

어제보다 추운 월요일 아침 따뜻한 옷차림을 해주세요!


'따뜻하게 차려 입으세요!'  아니면 '따뜻하게 (옷을) 입으세요!' 가 더 우리말 말투같다. 

그런데 '웨더뉴스'라는 제목을 보고서 깜짝 놀랐다. 이젠 날씨도 웨더라고 하는구나! 


'글 쓰기 > 우리말 다듬기' 카테고리의 다른 글

느낌을 갖다.  (0) 2020.08.11
대하여, 관하여  (0) 2020.08.11
가지고 있는  (0) 2019.08.30
조국 후보자 발표문 ('19.8.22.)  (0) 2019.08.22
장성숙 교수님 블로그 글  (0) 2019.08.15

어제 있었던 London Bridge terror attack 기사를 보다가, it was feared 를 어떻게 번역하면 좋을지 생각해 보았다. 

On Friday night it was feared the victims were students and academics who had been at the event. 

'~로 우려된다'라고 번역하면 되겠네.  '우려된다'라는 표현이 예전부터 있었을까 아니면 feared란 표현 따위를 우리말로 옮기다 보니까 쓰임이 굳어졌을까?  


'말 배우기 > 영어 공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

inaugural chairman  (0) 2019.12.17
The proof is in the pudding  (0) 2019.12.05
indisposed = unavailable  (0) 2019.11.20
사물 주어 + can hope to do  (0) 2019.11.09
거칠게 말하면 -> 겉잡아 말하면  (0) 2019.11.03

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