유튜브 라이브 아카데미 채널에서 알게된 표현. 

as if things weren't bad enough, ~      안그래도 안 좋은데, ~

As if things weren't bad enough with this Corona thing, we're faced with very disturbing news about a very problematic young man whose crime steps on some very sensitive issues that run really deep with people. 

그런데 찾아보니,

1. as를 빼고 if things weren't bad enough나 if that weren't bad enough 표현으로도 쓰인다.

2. bad를 빼고 if that weren't enough로도 쓰인다.  그런데 이렇게 쓰면 꼭 안 좋은 뜻으로만 쓰이진 않는다. 



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