넷플릭스 '나디야의 초간단 레시피' s1e5에서 나온 표현.  

naughty food하면 먹으면 안 된다고 생각하면서도 너무 땡겨서 먹게 되는 음식이다. 그래서 먹고나면 좀 죄책감도 들고하는 음식. 

아래 글에 보기로 든 음식을 보면, 초콜릿, 케이크, 즉석음식 따위가 있다. 

How to Resist Naughty Food Cravings

Last Updated: January 16, 2020 References

Many foods could be viewed as "naughty" when consuming them results in unusual behavior (disguising it, lying, etc.), or leaves you with feelings of guilt, remorse, and dissatisfaction. For example, it might be the chocolate, cookies, cakes, and fast food that you crave. If you're justifying "just one or two" here and there every day, you may soon have a big problem. Make good new habits to prevent yourself from giving into those cravings while you try to stay healthy or even lose weight.




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